Thursday, November 17, 2016

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: A Written Report

Reporter: Mr. Dennis Mark A. Dela Cruz
Professor: Dr. Dennis O. Dumrique


Teaching is the noblest of all profession. An individual aspiring to be in this kind of profession should be prepared and trained sufficiently with long period of academic training and has undergone formal professional training of appropriate organized body of knowledge. More so, a practical experience is much necessary and he or she must be accorded with the code of ethics for the profession that will bind him or her with the community.
The RA NO.7836 also known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” has the following objectives: 1) the promotion, development and professionalization of teachers and the teaching profession; and 2) the supervision and regulation of the licensure examination. It also highlighted the following: created the Board for Professional teachers, established the examination and registration of teachers, enumerated the qualification for teacher applicant, enumerated provisions relative to the practice of the teaching profession, and instituted the CODE OF ETHICS for PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, adopted and promulgated by the Board for Professional Teachers through Board Resolution No. 435, series of 1997, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e), Article II of RA No. 7836, otherwise known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” provides in the PREAMBLE that teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence.


1.  The Teacher and the State
The code applies to all teachers both public and private schools in the country. The teachers then are the trustees of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation. It is expected that it is the obligation of the teachers to transmit to the learners such heritage to promote patriotism and love of the country. Through the schools as turfs of future citizens, national morality must elevate, promote national pride and cultivate love of country. By doing so, teachers can produce nationalistic citizenry having great pride of being born as Filipino. In addition, teachers have to translate into action the Department of Education’s Vision to develop Filipinos who are passionately loving their country and making positive contributions in the end.
Teachers should also actively help carry out the declared policies of the state. They have to give full support for state programs and disseminate information relating to such. Teachers have always to upkeep government’s programs like the earthquake drill, the campaign against illegal drugs, deworming, and vaccination against dengue. Whatever the reason is, obedience and support of teachers are essentially important. No other government employees can equate teachers’ responsibility in carrying out the state policies. It is always the teachers who are the front liners and would always give their best to fully understand every programs and strategies of the government whether it is about educating people, uplifting health programs, ensuring safety and or public service. Nobody could deny the fact how teachers have always be on the go to likely implement the every campaigns of the republic even if at worst would risk their lives.  
Satisfactorily, it is therefore a must that teachers are physically, mentally and morally fit for them to carry out and serve best their clienteles. They have to be mentally healthy and emotionally well. Authorities should not be hiring potential liabilities in their group. Having a mentally ill teacher is not appropriate in the profession as such will just give a psychological turmoil to learners for it will develop fear, misbehavior, and unpleasant relations with learners and parents.  
In order to actualize the vision and mission of the department, teachers should possess an attitude of working very hard to do or support something.  Full commitment and devotion to duty is expected from a teacher. To develop this, the department has instituted its accountability among its workfellows. Teachers are role model. As in this case, they have to be exemplars of working performance, work ethics, and work attitudes. Factors affecting and would likely diminish teaching profession as perceived by many should be avoided by practitioners in the field. Every teacher should avoid loafing, moonlighting, misdemeanor, and many other offensive acts in the workplace during working hours. The department has hired everyone in the field for a purpose of serving and achieving the stated goals.   Each should be contributory to the realization of the agency’s vision and mission. Thus, all teachers are expected of their binding performance of dedication and commitment to their respective stations.
In the case of politics and affiliations, any teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest. Each shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and responsibilities. Anyone is prohibited from influencing others to do something using force or threats to join any groups’ activities. Nobody should use his position to coerce any person to any political events. To practice politics and religion are constitutional rights. However, teachers are prohibited from engaging such promotion of any political party to avoid biases. It is because during elections, teachers served as board of canvassers or election inspectors. On the other hand, distancing themselves from promoting any religion will likewise serve best its clienteles of being multiculturalist and fully aware of public service- giving service rather than personal gains. The separation of the church and the state cannot be denied as stated in the constitution. As government employees, teachers should be reminded that the government has not endorsed any religion as such they also have to. With this, teachers carry the government side and so have to be wary of others who might not have the same religious beliefs with them.
In the practice of teaching profession, all teachers shall enjoy academic freedom. According to US Supreme Court, Academic Freedom is identifying who will teach, what will be taught, how it will be taught, and who may be admitted to study. But, this academic freedom can only be fully enjoyed in the tertiary education as the Philippine Constitution provides. There is no effusively academic freedom in the basic education in the country. Conversely, teachers have the privileges to expound their knowledge. They can pursue professional advancement studies and even do research and investigations. But then again, if discoveries of knowledge are disparaging and will cause many lives into danger, then it should be submitted to proper authorities.

2.  The Teacher and the Community
All teachers shall render the best services ensuring that environment is conducive for learning and development. It is obligatory and teachers have always followed this. Classrooms and schools were always designed to be conducive for learning to the expense of using their own dough for such. Maybe it is also timed for the government to give allowances for the teachers for this purpose. Additionally, teachers have to build community linkages, provide extension services and outreach programs to eventually address the needs of their community and the society as well. Doing any of these is a noble act.  Teachers are not only teachers addressing the ignorance of the enrolled learners but as well have to render services that communities and groups would likely benefit and profit.
In the same way, educators are expected to behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrains from gambling, smoking, drunkenness and illicit relations. They should not engaged to immoral acts and other doings not allowed by the law. Again, teachers are role model. The priceless social recognition is awarded everywhere. We can’t help but be very dignified every single moment. We will never know when our works, our professions, and our influences end. Right here, right there, in here, in there, everywhere, we always meet people who might have been our students before or have known us as a teacher. Also, every teacher has to study and understand local customs and traditions. No badmouthing or belittling a certain group’s practices and beliefs in a community. It is not acceptable expressly coming from a mentor.
It is the responsibility of the gurus to inform the community about the schools work, accomplishments, its needs and problems. Reporting of what the school can do, what the school has achieved, and the future plans of the school are always integral to both the school administrative functions and stakeholders in their participation of the so-called shared responsibility. They also have to provide leadership in community when needed and extend counseling services. This in turn, shadows that teachers still have functions in their respective communities.  And in dealing with other professionals, government officials, people, and individuals, as intellectual leaders they shall maintain harmonious relationships and pleasant personal and official relations. As such the Civil Service Commission ones ruled that “Public service is a public trust.” Therefore, teachers at all times must be accommodating and respectful building cordial relations with stakeholders.
As appropriate, teachers enjoy freedom to attend church and worship but should not use their positions to proselyte others especially their students. True enough, position cannot be used to convert others. Respect for one’s belief is necessary and much more indispensable to favoring personal achievement. There are some who would use their positions to invite others to attend their religious gatherings and would also ask their colleagues and students to eventually go on with the conversion. Proselyting others especially your subordinates is unethical more likely if that is very involuntary. So, teachers should avoid engaging themselves into such doing.

3.  The Teacher and the Profession
Inevitably, teachers should ensure that teaching is the noblest profession. They have to uphold the highest possible standards of quality education. According to Fr. Joaquin Bernas, quality education is making sure that basic education is really solid, because if it is not solid, it affects the quality of secondary education.  If secondary education is poor, then the person goes to college unprepared for college work.  And if he is allowed to graduate again with a poor quality college education, he goes to university professional education even more unprepared. This is a very moving declaration from Fr. Bernas. Quality education really lies in the hands of the teachers. Whatever will be the outcome or the kind of learners or graduates in the end the society would have depend on the education provided by their mentors.  Likewise, to enhance the prestige of the teaching profession, teachers shall pursue and participate in the continuing Professional Education program. This is not only for the benefit of the teachers. Pursing a continuing professional education will bring about advantages to the learners and the whole community as well. Just recently, the Senate approved the Senate Bill 2581 or the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2015. This will enhance skills, knowledge, and ethical values of all professionals engaged in the formal and informal learning. On the other hand, teachers should also help if duly authorized to seek support for the school but should avoid misrepresentations and questionable means like programs that are related to electoral drive. If in turn support or activities to be conducted are of political motives, then teachers should avoid supporting it.  All teachers have to be reminded that they have to be politically neutral and schools shall not be used for any political agenda. Besides, they should use teaching profession in a manner that makes it a dignified means for earning a decent living. Selling of something to students that would diminish the teaching profession should be definitely stopped. It is very disgusting to know that there are still teachers in the field who are asking students to pay for contributions of classroom needs, test papers, and many others. And these fellows can eat and stomach gains from students who cannot even afford to buy a pack of juice drink? Isn’t it about time to think twice for our undertakings more so when it involves money?

4. The Teacher and the Teaching Community
Predominantly, professional teachers should support one another and be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good and full cooperation with colleagues. While fellow teachers must be caring to one another, it would be a good practice if everybody in the community would also love one another in the name of their profession. Teachers must be the examples as what the saying goes “practice what you preach”. So if they want their students to be of good relationship with their schoolmates, then, teachers and their colleagues must set their examples.
Definitely, citations and due credit shall be made if work of others were used. Never claim others toils for plagiarism is a crime. In other words, quoting sources for your presentations is deemed necessary. Authors, books, quotations, saying, power point presentations were just some of the few materials commonly available through the internet and most of the time sources are never acknowledge. In this world where almost everything is available in an instant, recognizing authentic owners of scholarly works is basic.
When it comes to records and other data, teachers should organize and leave to his successor such. It should be properly turned-over to successor. One should be reminded that the main goal is still the function ability and continues routines of the academe. Thus, for whatever reasons for leaving the workplace, pertinent documents and files must be handed down well.  Meanwhile, it is anticipated that educators will hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school. In this case, nobody should divulge any information without authorization. For example, announcement of honors of a graduating class is solely a vested responsibility of the school head as per Department of Education Order.
In instances where unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate appeared and observe, teachers may seek correctives for what may appear to be. Also, any observed justifiable criticism against an associate may be submitted to the proper authorities preferably in writing, without violating any right of the individual concerned. Reporting any wrongdoings of a colleague is ethical. For the purpose of protecting the teaching profession, everyone is liable and is their duty to make teaching be the best and noblest profession. Practicing such will also uphold to all the virtue of honesty. As such act of the caught teacher will be minimized and eradicated in the long run in a wider range. 
Now, the basis of merit and competence is always observed and followed to all government positions. All teachers may apply for a vacant position provided they have met the requirements and that agrees to undergo the system of selection. While there are observed irregularities in the past, however, in today’s time, nobody enters in the teaching positions in the public schools without meeting the set standards for selection of appointees. Anybody in the field who satisfactorily meet the qualifications are given or offered with promotions. Though there are still observed indifferent practices in other divisions and regions where positions are only offered to the school heads “pet”, conclusions cannot be made but rather the truth is that it is still the merit and fitness that where observed for giving the said “pet” the position.
5.  The Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Philippines
Making an honest effort to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration is another concern of teachers. In the implementation of the RPMS for example, many complaints were heard. Some said it is not necessary, some said it is just another burden to be carried by teachers, and worst many have questioned what RPMS is. Teachers cannot afford but obey and candidly carry out policies of the school. They are in one institution. No other group of professionals will understand first its workplace policies except them.
In the context of making false accusation or charges against superiors, especially under anonymity, teachers are not allowed. It is unethical to do such thing.  But, if there are evidences then it should be made under oath to a competent authority. It should be proper to hand the charges in person under sworn. This way it makes the intention ethical and not just to be considered as an accusation due to insecurities or ill-treatment.
Now, when it comes to transacting official business, it should be done through channels.
Teachers can seek redress against injustice and discrimination and raise his grievances within democratic processes. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) should not be disregarded. However, when situations calls for attention of a higher authority then SOP might not be followed. For example, if the injustice is between the subject area coordinator and one of his/her subordinates, then the issue can be brought and settled through with the net higher authority. But, it is still best and appropriate that the subordinate will talk to his/her immediate superior, if not settled then bring it to the next higher authority. Meanwhile, any teacher should not leave their post or be absent for any reason without informing their immediate superior. The priority is learners’ welfare. In any case that untoward incidents happened, the liability goes to the absent teacher particularly if superior was not informed of the absence.  More so, teachers can also invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and need in the interest of the service. Consent of teacher is necessary principally when there is a transfer of station to be made. Transfer of station should not be a constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal can be observed when it penalizes the involved teacher jeopardizing him/her for long travel, additional fares, inaccessibility of the new station to name a few.
Consequently, as public servants, they should live up to their contractual obligation – assuming full knowledge of the employment terms and conditions. Permanent or regular appointment does not mean that its forever. For in case of negligence to duties and poor performances in the job, security of tenure cannot be used as shield for disciplinary action or even termination.

6.  School Officials, Teachers and Other Personnel
At all times school officials should show professional courtesy, helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers and other personnel. As expected, teachers are standards of social skills and values. One should not hesitate to offer help and sympathy to fellows. In times of need, no other shoulder to lean on but your colleagues mainly if harmonious relationship was established.
Accordingly, educators should formulate policies or introduce important changes in system at all levels and encourage and attend to the professional growth of all teachers. Proven strategies and practices can be introduced by anybody in the field. Thus, trying out new things that would bring developments should also be encouraged.  Nevertheless, any official shall not dismiss or recommend for dismissal a teacher or other subordinates except for a cause. Coaching and mentoring should be done first. In the absence of any development after many interventions have been initiated, then, it is reasonable to take effect disciplinary sanctions.
 In matters involving the hiring of public school teachers, duly authorized officials are held accountable to ensure that those who are employed are in accordance with pertinent civil service rules. More so, employed teachers should be in accordance with existing laws such as Civil Service Rules and Regulations, RA 2260 amended by RA 6040 and RA 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.

7.  The Teacher and Learners
Giving a grade in subjects handled is the rightful duty of teachers.  Teachers should establish high regard to maintain the sacredness and confidentiality of students’ grades.  Also, they have to recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are his first and foremost concern, and handle each learner justly and impartially. Learners’ behavior is different from his or her academic performance so it shall not be used as basis for him or her to receive a failing grade. One should not be prejudiced nor discriminate any learner and refrain from accepting favors or gifts from learners, parents and others in exchange for requested concessions.
As intellectual leaders, gurus should not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials and should only base evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and quality of academic performance. Double pay in the government is not allowed. Likewise, teachers are expected to exercise utmost discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the learner and should not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings. One should realize and fully understand that behavior and grades are two different factors in a student’s demeanor and that behavior is definitely excluded of students’ academic rating. Also, teachers are barred from accepting favors from failed students and receiving additional remunerations for tutorials. They have to insure that conditions contributive to the maximum development of learners are adequate. As per DepEd Order No.8, series of 2016 mandates that remedial or intervention activities shall be given to students performing low in the specific subject for them to cope and not to be left behind. 
Seemingly, in a situation where mutual attraction and love developed between a teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal and preferential treatment of the learner. Also, to avoid any other lawsuit concerning the learner’s abused for being a minor, teacher should not engage into such. In any case, attraction subsequently developed into an inevitable love with the learner, professional discretion shall be observed by the teacher.  Nobody can stop anyone from loving someone. However, teacher is a teacher. To be in loved with a student is not a sin. But, think deeply not only for yourself but to the entire teachers who have faithfully live with honor and dignity. Society judges us. Yeah, it is true. If feelings cannot be avoided then there is a much more fitting time for it.  For, if it is true love, it can wait as what the olden saying goes.

8.  The Teacher and Parents
Establishing and maintaining cordial relations with parents is a meritorious act a teacher can ever have. Having these would be easier for the school to communicate and get the support of the parents.  Teachers with a binding relationship with parents permit a strong partnership and governance in the long run. Another function of teachers is to inform parents, through proper authorities of the progress or deficiencies of learners under him. He or she may conduct parent-teacher conferences to properly call the attention and seek the help of the parents to attain the educational goals for the learner concerned.  Also, they have to hear parents’ complaint with sympathy and understanding. They have to exercise utmost candor or be very open, honest, and sincere when talking with parents.

9.  The Teacher and Business
Teachers are not barred to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income generation. It should only be that business should not be related to teaching and should be done beyond working hours. In case of having part-time teaching jobs, it should be done after office hours and should not be affecting the duties and responsibilities in the school. It is however a must that teacher wishing to do part-time should have to submit permit to teach to proper authorities for guidance.
In order to maintain a good reputation with respect to financial matters, settlement of debts and loans must be arranged satisfactorily. Lastly, teacher should not act, directly or indirectly, as agent of or be financially interested in any commercial venture such as selling of books, school supplies, and other commodities.

10.  The Teacher as a Person
At all times, teachers should live with dignity in all places. Being prompt, radiant, pleasing, with impressive personal presence, refinement, and pleasant manners were just some of the essential qualities of teacher that will place premium upon self-respect and self-discipline and eventually make reputation to teacher as a unique person.  Maintaining a dignified personality at all times is another societal expectation from a teacher. A teacher is easier judged when a mistake is committed and worst diminishing the profession carried by the felonious mentor.  In all of these roles of teachers, to fully fulfill and function guided with these code of ethics, it is also imperative that teachers should have and recognize the Almighty God or Being as guide of his own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.

11. Disciplinary Actions
Any violation shall be sufficient ground for the imposition of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of his Certification of Registration and License as a Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of teaching profession, or reprimand or cancellation of his temporary/special permit.
Disciplinary actions would always be part of administrative function and supervision in order to maintain order and achieve expected realizations of any organizational mandate.

A professional teacher should possess technical skills, social skills, and personal qualities. Essentially a teacher is a role model - appropriate personal appearance, dress, style and content of communication or suitable use of language, and cooperating with other workers. A professional teacher should have a very good character and personality. Historically preferred in the profession, is a radiant, pleasing, impressive personality   appearance, refinement, pleasant manners, industry, and enthusiastic. In addition, it is best to avoid neurotic teacher that may spread fear,     nervousness and worry in the classroom.  A teacher should be mentally fit and healthy. Moreover, a professional teacher should not be quiet, retreating and introverted. Likewise, it is a must that teacher is professionally efficient with true devotion towards teaching, mastery over subjects and fair knowledge of current affairs. Furthermore, teacher should continuously engage to professional training and is accountable.  Professional teachers get to work on time, get to work done before deadlines, use suitable initiative, accept appropriate responsibility, and accept suggestions and criticisms. Indispensably, someone in the teaching profession should be excellent in time management, resources management, space management and excellent relationship with the faculty. As such, a code of ethics is vital for all individuals inclined in this noble act.

1. Duka, C. D. (2008). The law and the teaching profession in the Philippines. Quezon City:
                C & E Pub.
2. Omnibus rules implementing Book V of Executive Order no. 292 and other pertinent civil
                service laws. (1999). Diliman, Quezon City: Civil Service Commission.

1. Bernal, J. (2014, November 30). Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers of the Philippines. Retrieved July 12, 2016, from

2. Capulong, N. (n.d.). Five Dimensions to Professionalism. Retrieved July 12, 2016, from &cd=1&hl=fil&ct=clnk&gl=ph